Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Anyone making plans to go to SXSW in Austin next weekend??
Looks like we'll be able to make it this year and we are so stoked.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

new news

Lots going on the past week:

* Finally got the Camry out of the shop - they were able to repair both the water pump and oil pump for less than expected. I can't speak highly enough of Scott's Complete Auto Care. Glenn has consistently given the best customer service, and all seems to be well with the car.

* My grandmother had a quarter-sized skin cancer removed from her forehead and is doing just fine. She has to have another removed from her chest next week. It's a big reminder that I need to see a dermatologist soon - haven't had my moles checked by a specialist in many years.

* Our xbox360 blew up again - we'd only had it back from the repair center for 7 days before we got the dreaded red ring of lights - the second time in only two months. It's under warranty and is going back for repair again.

* We took my mom out to lunch for her 63rd birthday today. Triple-J Chophouse. I had the Honey Pecan Crusted Salmon Salad - deeeelicious! Nice atmosphere and fantastic service as well.

* Never found my debit card - had to cancel it today - blast. I hate that two week period of not being able to buy anything online, pay bills, etc. Oh well, new one is in the mail, and maybe I can be more careful with this one.

* The computers at my work have been totally fudged up since they did an update that was supposed to make things run more smoothly - big backfire. Huge. Now I can't print, lost Firefox and can't download anything, no Flash, no iTunes, and stupid IE is sooooo slow and cumbersome. On the other hand, my husband got a couple of pieces of very very exciting news at work this week and we can't wait to see the final products.

* All for now - hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

Friday, March 2, 2007

lost it

Email exchange between me and hubs after last night's drunken escapade to the local margarita bar.

ME --
Good news: I didn't leave my card at Chimy's because I used it after the bar at Jimmy Johns.
Bad news: I still can't find my card.
Worse news: I think I might have thrown it away this morning if it was in the JJ's sack, and I'm not climbing into the dumpster to find out. The receipt was on the table, but no card. Ugh. Still looking. Stupid Drunky McLoseShit.

HIM --
Oh god if you go dumpster diving please take a picture. Preferably one of you in the dumpster and looking frowny with a banana peel on your head.