Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Anyone making plans to go to SXSW in Austin next weekend??
Looks like we'll be able to make it this year and we are so stoked.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

new news

Lots going on the past week:

* Finally got the Camry out of the shop - they were able to repair both the water pump and oil pump for less than expected. I can't speak highly enough of Scott's Complete Auto Care. Glenn has consistently given the best customer service, and all seems to be well with the car.

* My grandmother had a quarter-sized skin cancer removed from her forehead and is doing just fine. She has to have another removed from her chest next week. It's a big reminder that I need to see a dermatologist soon - haven't had my moles checked by a specialist in many years.

* Our xbox360 blew up again - we'd only had it back from the repair center for 7 days before we got the dreaded red ring of lights - the second time in only two months. It's under warranty and is going back for repair again.

* We took my mom out to lunch for her 63rd birthday today. Triple-J Chophouse. I had the Honey Pecan Crusted Salmon Salad - deeeelicious! Nice atmosphere and fantastic service as well.

* Never found my debit card - had to cancel it today - blast. I hate that two week period of not being able to buy anything online, pay bills, etc. Oh well, new one is in the mail, and maybe I can be more careful with this one.

* The computers at my work have been totally fudged up since they did an update that was supposed to make things run more smoothly - big backfire. Huge. Now I can't print, lost Firefox and can't download anything, no Flash, no iTunes, and stupid IE is sooooo slow and cumbersome. On the other hand, my husband got a couple of pieces of very very exciting news at work this week and we can't wait to see the final products.

* All for now - hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

Friday, March 2, 2007

lost it

Email exchange between me and hubs after last night's drunken escapade to the local margarita bar.

ME --
Good news: I didn't leave my card at Chimy's because I used it after the bar at Jimmy Johns.
Bad news: I still can't find my card.
Worse news: I think I might have thrown it away this morning if it was in the JJ's sack, and I'm not climbing into the dumpster to find out. The receipt was on the table, but no card. Ugh. Still looking. Stupid Drunky McLoseShit.

HIM --
Oh god if you go dumpster diving please take a picture. Preferably one of you in the dumpster and looking frowny with a banana peel on your head.

Monday, February 26, 2007

oscar recap

I can't recall the last time I sat through an entire awards show, or any four-hour program for that matter. But I didn't have much else going on last night, and really enjoyed the Academy Awards. So here goes, my first (and likely last) ever Oscar highlights in the book of TB.

In the matter of time, I think they could have cut back on a few of the montages, and the Jack Black/Will Farrell song - even though I heart John C Reilly, it did nothing for me. Ellen was a pretty good hostess (I loved that white tux), although I would've liked to see more standup and less crowd interaction from her. Maybe she had a great zinger saved for the end but all they had time for was that "Thank You! Goodnight!"

I was most excited to see Jennifer Hudson win for best supporting actress - what a heartfelt thank you speech. Gorgeous stage performance too - great job Dreamgirls! And Jennifer in that red dress - HOT! Imagine going from an American Idol reject (too harsh?) to winning an Oscar in less than a year. I'm so proud of her. I was equally moved by Forest Whitaker's speech, nice that he took a moment to share his motivation to act and his dream to touch people through his gift.

I think The Departed for Best Picture was a fantastic choice. Of course, it was one of the only two movies I saw in this year's category, so I'm biased. But I loved the crap out of that movie. And good for Scorsese - well deserved, man.

The dancers were incredible!! (Per? Par? Porabolas?? P-something or another.) Especially loved that penguin interlude for Happy Feet - too cute - I just can't imagine how they do it.

And as for fashion, which normally is the only thing I care about at awards shows... Cate Blanchett was my numero uno pick - she is so freaking elegant and refined (nice contrast to myself who just used the word "freaking" to describe something beautiful) - just stunning in that shimmery silvery number. Beautiful silhouette. Love her. Reese Witherspoon - gorgeous as always - Ryan Phillipe is a fool. Naomi Watts - super sweet and just lovely. I want to go on a picnic with her. And I never thought I'd say this, but Jennifer Lopez looked really classy as well, that flowy Grecian thing really worked for her. I didn't hear anyone say, were those diamonds encrusted on the top?!!!

Running out of time here, so will make this quick: My only yucks - Kristen Dunst (a collar on an evening gown?!), Cameron Diaz (it looked so uh, Max Headroom!) and Gwenyth (salmon gauze?! Ugh).

Can't wait until they make it to the top of my Blockbuster Queue: Pan's Labyrinth, The Queen, King of Scotland, Half Nelson, Babel.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Friday, February 23, 2007

"texas biscuit is..."

I'm not much in the mood for blogging today, but had this lovely lil meme ready to go for just such an occasion.

Google your name in quotes with an "is" — ex.: "[your real name] is" — pick your favorite ten responses and post them.

UPDATE: Just use your first name for tons of goodness.

1. Texas Biscuit is fashion. She lives it, she breaths it, she's in your face with it. She is it's biggest fan.

2. Why
Texas Biscuit is no longer on my blogroll...

3. Texas Biscuit
is all set to sparkle.

4. Texas Biscuit
is quoted as an expert on Internet topics, privacy, and other issues relating to technology and society.

5. Texas Biscuit
is yet to play a game this season after only just returning to training last month after nearly a year on the sidelines with a knee injury.

6. Texas Biscuit is a discolored mauve.

7. Texas Biscuit is a great cook and everybody looks forward to taking a doggy bag home.

8. Texas Biscuit
is found unconscious and nearly dead from starvation.

9. Texas Biscuit
is actually a double agent, working to sabotage the CIA's work against the criminal organization and is, contrary to her air of innocence, a cold-blooded killer.

10. Our little
Texas Biscuit is all growed up.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Lubbock has stooped to a new low. Last Friday night, the famous Chippendale dancers were arrested at a local sports bar, only about 45 minutes into their performance for "simulating sexual acts". C'mon, we all know of the Chippendale's reputation - and that is exactly why 400 people paid $20 each to see their show. It isn't like these innocent babes showed up at their quilting bee and were caught off guard by the racy show. Tickets were only sold to adults 18 and over, and only adults were allowed entrance to the bar. The crowd knew exactly what they were getting into, so why is the Lubbock City Council pushing their own oppressive values and warped morality onto its citizens?!

Granted, Lubbock is known for having the highest per capita of churches in the state, we're in the heart of the Bible Belt, and we only got a Hooters a year ago, but jeebus, THEY STILL HAD THEIR PANTS ON!!

As all our friends graduate and leave town and family encourages us to leave Lubbock, I've always done my best to talk up the community, to remind everyone about the friendly people, our progressive university, the lack of traffic, the mild climate, etc. But seriously, when we have to take heat from the national media about the ignorance and intolerance of those in charge of our great city, well, it just makes me totally ready to get out of this town that I've called home for the past 14 years. We've been talking about it for some time. In less than six months, we'll be calling a new city home.