Friday, November 19, 2004

Neighborhood lunatic

I luuurve cats...
Now I've had my share of small dogs in my life - a schnauzer, 2 poodles, several yorkies, and most recently a maltese named Lucky. Lucky was the worst dog ever - he was precious, the happiest pup in the world, but he was untrained, had no manners, and was a complete spaz (yeah, I know this was my fault, but you don't understand, he was like a hyperactive 5-year old after finishing off a case of Smarties). Fortunately I was able to find Lucky a home with a patient retired couple about 3 years ago.

And that is when I finally became acquainted with cats...

Mike and I got our first cat, Cajun, from a "free kittens" ad in the local paper. We had to drive out to Brownfield for him, but saved him from an obnoxious family of humans and at least 6 litters of kittens of various ages. No wonder he loves us. He's a big orange country cat, about 15 pounds now (not overweight - just big boned - the vet actually told us this!).

We also have a wiry little black cat with white boots named Jezebel who was delivered to us by Mike's mom all the way from Chicago. She needed a good home - and she found one in Lubbock. These two are the best - completely unstereotypical in all the ways dog-people argue against cats as good companions - they cuddle on the couch or bed with me, they are good with company, and they actually come when you call them (well, most of the time). Every time I go to PetsMart and see the adoption sign "good home needed - had to move - can't take cat", I want to take in another one. Fortunately I've always been aware of the unwritten rule that any woman with more than 3 cats is officially labeled as the neighborhood loony toon. I'm not sure if the cats cause the craziness or you have to be nuts to take in that many cats in the first place, but I've never witnessed an exception to this rule. Take this household in Illinois for example: 130 cats found alive, 15 found dead or decomposing. The Daily Herald stated, "even at the curb, one can still get a whiff of a potent combination of decaying animals, rotting garbage and piles of feces." Ewwwww. Oddly the family wasn't cited for animal abuse or neglect, but they were referred for counseling to deal with their hoarding tendencies. I didn't even know such a condition existed, but I'm hoping that as long as I can avoid bringing home that third kitten, I should be able to avoid the "crazy lady in the corner house" label for at least a few more years.

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