Sunday, November 21, 2004


A 17-year old girl in New York was sentenced to 21 days in jail for contempt of court when her cell phone rang after an initial admonishment by the court. The judge asked the girl, "did you think I was playing with you?" Nope, I suppose he wasn't.

I wish professors would threaten automatic 'F's when student's cell phones ring in class. It is so disruptive. During an exam last Thursday, a girl's phone rang with one of those irritating polyphonic ring tones. You'll never guess the song (and remember this is a twenty-something grad student) - U Can't Touch This. Me and the girl next to me had an uncontrollable giggle fit. I have a feeling the prof suspected we were cheating but we just couldn't stop laughing. I can picture this girl dancing around her living room in her baggy Hammer pants singing "too legit, too legit to quit, hey hey" - classic.

1 comment:

Michael said...

or people who talk on the cell phone during rush hour.