Monday, December 13, 2004

51 things you never knew about me

I've never about those this-or-that or favorites lists that everyone seems to be emailing these days. But Kicking Bitch (aka Rene) has been inspiring me with the boldness of her recent sex quizzes. I'll get to those another time, but first, here's a combination of a couple lists I found on Bum's blog. So here ya go, 51 things you never knew about Texas Biscuit:

----------------HAVE YOU EVER---------------
1) Been so drunk you blacked out: I've been known to forget conversations that take place after 1 a.m.
2) Been hurt emotionally: Sure, isn't that the only way we eventually learn what we really want in a relationship?
3) Kept a secret from everyone: No, eventually I'll tell someone.
4) Had an imaginary friend: I can't remember her name right now, but we played dress-up together.
5) Cried during a movie: What movie do I NOT cry through?
6) Had a crush on a teacher: Only my P.E. coach in junior high - back when “coach shorts” were sexy
7) Thought an animated character was hot: Uh, Pepe le Pew?
8) Had a New Kids on the Block tape: Honestly? Their Christmas CD was the first CD I ever bought - the year I got my first CD player - followed immediately by Tiffany, Debbie Gibson, and Huey Lewis and the News. Ah, the 80s.
9) Been on stage: Several school musicals, but best memories are from dancing in the Nutcracker as a child.
10) Cut your hair yourself: Seemed like a good idea at the time. Not so much.

11) Shampoo: Pantene
12) Color: Black, bright pink, icy pale blue
13) Day/Night: night = free time
14) Season: Spring's temperatures, Fall's foliage
15) Lace or Satin: Satin I guess - I've had a thing against lace since I was forced to wear dresses as a child
16) Cartoon Character: Ain't that many funny comic strips anymore. Cathy still cracks me up.
17) Food: Spinach enchiladas from Casa Ole, Orlando's fettuccini alfredo, Double Dave's pepperoni rolls, Rib Crib's ribs.
18) Movie: Immortal Beloved, Kill Bill 2, Charlie's Angels, Father of the Bride
19) Ice Cream: Rocky road and mint chocolate chip
20) School Subject: Psychology (or anything not involving math or athletics)
21) 'Normal' Drink: Iced tea w/ lemon (NO sweetener)
22) Alcohol Drink(s): Jack and diet coke
23) Person(s): Boyfriend, parents & 95-year old grandmother, Lisa, Cajun & Jezebel (and my cats are "persons" aren't they?)

----------------RIGHT NOW-------------------
24) Wearing: Jeans and pale blue turtleneck
25) Hair: Straight (thank you Chi iron!), below shoulders, blonde highlights
26) Drinking: Diet cherry coke
27) Eating: Just finished homemade chili with cheese, fritos, and an apple
28) Thinking about: Christmas list for family (oh God, it's only 2 weeks away!)
29) Listening to: iTunes - currently on "K"s - Kelly Clarkson, Kid Rock, the Kinks...
30) Talking to: Not talking - can't talk and type at the same time!

-----------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-------------
31) Cried: Yes, tonight when I watched the Sex in the City finale where Charlotte finds out they are getting their adopted baby
32) Met someone: No one new (I don't think bloggers count - although the ones I've been chatting with recently are fantastic!)
33) Done laundry: No, but have to wash my black pants before work tomorrow
34) Drove a car: Yes - see hunk of junk from yesterday's post

-----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN-------------
35) Yourself: Almost always
36) Your friends: A lot more than they believe in themselves at times
37) Santa Claus: Sure, who else would eat those cookies I leave on the mantle?
38) Tooth Fairy: Nah, haven't made contact in years - maybe once I get my wisdoms pulled
39) Destiny/Fate: Absolutely. There is a plan greater than myself.
40) Angels: Yes - I think they help out in the above mentioned plan
41) Ghosts: No direct experience, but I think there are spirits about
42) UFOs: Again, no direct experience, but I'’d be a fool to believe we were the only inhabitants in the galaxy

---------------OTHER RANDOMS------------------
43) What is your biggest fear? Disappointing people who are important to me
44) What is underneath your bed? Probably some dirty socks and my boyfriend's shotgun (yeah, we live in Texas)
45) Where do you want to get married? Mountains in Colorado
46) What color are your kitchen plates? White Lenox w/ off-white trees on them
47) What is your favorite TV show? Six Feet Under
48) What is your favorite game? Drinking game: 3-man; Family game: UNO
49) What is your favorite Christmas song? O Come All Ye Faithful
50) What is the first thing you think of in the morning? Coffee, STAT!
51) What would your dream job be? Today, I'd like to work at a zoo, in the nursery

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