Thursday, January 20, 2005

First of many AI posts

I tried, friends, really I tried. I told myself that I wouldn't post about American Idol until they got to the top 10 show. But I just can't wait. I realize I'm facing ridicule, but that is okay. I love this show soooo much. Time to 'fess up:

Yes, I own an American Idol DVD.
Yes, I went to the first season's top-ten concert in Dallas.
Yes, I bought the t-shirt.
Yes, I've downloaded a dozen of Kelly Clarkson's songs.
Yes, American Idol was THE reason I bought a TiVo last year.

Are you still there???

Will you come back knowing you'll probably have to suffer through at least one of these AI posts a week? Will you remove me from your blogroll out of shame?! Well, I guess I'm just going to have to take my chances. I trust you to stick around.

Okay, really, after all that nonsense I don't even have much to say about the tryout shows in DC and St. Louis. Complete screw balls. Like the guy who sang the theme song from Baywatch?! Or Toni Braxton's cousin? Where do these kids get their self-confidence?! If I ever suck at anything that bad and risk proving it to the world on national TV, please, somebody, JUST TELL ME I SUCK!!

So if I had to pick my favorite contender from the first two shows, I'd have to go for this Travis guy. Can't remember his last name, but he's the one who did some pretty sweet break dancing with the heart-pump thing before he sang. He's definitely top 10 material. Don't forget I said so!

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