Friday, January 21, 2005

Friday Feast

Big toss up between Friday Feast and Friday Catblogging for today. I may just have to do both. But first... a buffet for your brain.

Appetizer - What is one quality you really admire about yourself?

This is the appetizer? This is tough... I think I'll say I admire that I am a nice person. Not just polite-nice, but really-care-about-how-people-feel-nice. I will look you in the eyes and really LISTEN when you are talking. And when I ask how you are doing, I really want to know, and will gladly hang out for half an hour if you need to get off your chest why things are sucking this week.

Soup - What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use?

The last time I got my hair highlighted I bought the expensive hair salon stuff (TIGI Dumb Blonde), but really, it isn't any better than the stuff I can get at Walgreens. Every now and then I'll splurge, but usually it's just Pantene.

Salad - Describe your favorite movie scene. You know, the one that just gets to you every time you watch it.

As you might guess, I've been in an especially wedding-ish mood since we got engaged, so for today's favorite movie I pick Steve Martin's version of Father of the Bride. My favorite scene is when Annie and George are playing b-ball in the driveway the night before her wedding and it starts to snow. Annie is disappointed and says,"What's that look for Dad… this is going to end up costing you more money, isn't it?" Her dad replies, "No, I was just thinking how I'm going to remember this moment for the rest of my life." I'm such a sap - I'm tearing up now just thinking about it!

Main Course - If you were a veggie, which one would you be, and why?

Uh, could get dirty here. Favorite to eat or favorite to, uh, well - let's just stick with favorite veggie to eat. I love mushrooms. I love them fresh on a salad, on a sausage pizza, stuffed with crab and cheese, marinated in wine and dumped on a steak, in a creamy soup. Don't I sound like Bubba Gump? Broiled Mushrooms, Fried Mushrooms, Grilled Mushrooms...

Geez Louise. I just reread the question. Has nothing to do with my favorite veggie to eat. I'm too easily distracted by food. Oh well, I ain't going back now. Please disregard above question.

Dessert - If you could take a weekend trip within 100 miles of your current residence, where would you like to go?

Well, there are a very limited number of choices within 100 miles of Lubbock, unless you like camping in the middle of a mesquite tree patch. Lake Alan Henry is nice, but not so much fun without a boat. Palo Duro Canyon State Park has a fabulous outdoor play about the history of the state, but it's only during the summer. I've always wanted to try to eat the 72 oz steak at The Big Texan in Amarillo, but there is an hour limit to eat the steak and all the sides, and I have all weekend for my trip ... SO, I think I'd have to shoot for a place I've always wanted to check out, the historic Garza Hotel in Post. Can't beat two days shacked up in an creaky 1800's ghosty hotel with your new fiance!

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