Friday, January 28, 2005

Friday Feast

Tons of work to do today - end of the month paperwork that I've been procrastinating on... Dr's appt at 11... Tutoring/mentoring at a nearby elementary school at 3... Friend's birthday party/happy hour at 5... So let the weekend begin. Thank God, I didn't think it would ever get here.

So in the interest of time, here's the quick and dirty version of Friday Feast. Get to know a little bit more about me over a five-course meal.

Appetizer - If you could have a free subscription to any magazine, which one would you like to have?

I really like Lucky - a fun shopping & fashion mag - but I got that subscription for Christmas, so I'd have to shoot for anything bridal related. The Knot is my current favorite. Free would be good - those things are pricey.

Soup - If you were to suddenly become famous, what would you choose as your stage name?

Not sure why, but Busty McPherson comes to mind. Don't ask me why - not enough sleep last night... I don't see any possibility of becoming a famous porn star any time soon, but becoming a famous singer or WNBA star is equally unlikely. Pfft. Maybe I could become the famous lottery-winning millionaire and I'd change my name to I-Haven't-Talked-To-You-Since-High-School-Stop-Calling-Me!

((Holy crap! I just googled Busty McP to see if it was a real person, and clicked on a link and got a ton of porn pop ups. I couldn't get them closed fast enough!! I'm expecting a call from our network admin any minute now. Aaak!))

Salad - What ingredients make an awesome salad? Dressing? Croutons?

Romaine lettuce, cucumber, hard boiled eggs, green olives, a bit of feta, real-bacon crumbles, homemade croutons from day old bread, ranch dressing. Weird combo I know, but these are all my faves. Usually don't have them all in one salad, but I'd give it a whirl.

Main Course - What do you like most about your current job?

Being in court everyday and witnessing our legal system in action (not that it always has a good outcome, but it IS always an interesting experience).

Dessert - Who is your favorite instrumental musician (not a singer)?

Tough. I'm sure I'll think of someone really brilliant tonight, but am kinda drawing a blank now. I have a few Danny Wright CDs that I listen to while I'm studying - all piano. Some good original compositions, plus remakes of old classics and show tunes.

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