Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Gifts galore!

ACW inspired this post with a question that Darth asked him. Thanks guys, I'm feeling awfully lazy and un-original this week...

This is for those of you guys and gals who (1) are married, (2) were once married, or (3) ever day dream of someday getting married ...

let's talk about gifts.

Ever wondered about the tradition behind a bridal registry? Well me neither until today, but here you go anyway:

Originating in France, the bridal registry dates back to the 19th century, when great distances between the bride and groom was common and communication was difficult. What was one to do? Christofle, a fine manufacturer of silverware, was the man that found the solution to the problem: the bride's parents would select in advance their daughter's "trousseau." Thus the Bridal Registry was thus born!

So now that that historical mumbo jumbo is out of the way, here are the questions of the day.

(1) Where did you/would you register for your wedding? Practicality counts here - what do you and your fiance really need and don't want to or can't afford to buy for yourselves? And what one store could you find most of those things?

(2) Where would you register for your wedding IF MONEY WERE NO OPTION? Suppose all your guests - hundreds of them - were gazillionaires, and they are dying to spend their hard earned/trust fund money on you and your fiance. Give us the name of a store or even better a link so we can check out some of the grand gifts you'd be getting...

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