Monday, January 3, 2005


Medium ... and that's just how I felt about it ... just kinda ho-hum. I'd been looking forward to this new show for a month or more. I've always been intrigued by this kind of program - mediums, psychics, ghosts, UFOs, the supernatural, and anything, well - weird. Do you remember Twin Peaks? Man, I really miss that show (the dancing midget, Laura Palmer, BOB - shit, I can still picture one of the last episodes when he was crouching by the couch - so freakin' scary!).

I know Medium is based on the work of a real person, so maybe they couldn't take too many liberties with her work, but I was a bit disappointed in her portrayal. Seems unrealistic that she can not only "talk" to dead folks, but also read the minds of the living, and pick up on clues from inanimate objects. Come on, doesn't she get any false or dead readings - people who just won't/can't communicate with her? Oh well, I know ACW doesn't buy it, but I WANT to believe. I'll give it another chance next week, but this show is no Twin Peaks or Pretender...

Besides, it portrays the Texas Rangers as cocky closed-minded asses. Maybe they are, I've never met one, but it just seems a tad stereotypical - I'm surprised they didn't show the Rangers riding in on their horses. Ugh.

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