Saturday, January 1, 2005

New Year w/ Brad Pitt

Thursday after work we went to the sports bar for wings, a "couple" beers, and to watch the Holiday Bowl - Tech vs [some college in California] - not even sure of the final score but Tech won ... you can tell I'm a huge football fan.

After the game we walked across the street to the irish pub for a "couple" whiskey and diet cokes. Drank there until last call then chowed down on the best brisket burritos in west Texas (has nothing to do with the drunk-factor - it really is the best - if you are ever in Lubbock, you must go see Ferlis, his BBQ will amaze your taste buds).

Then we stayed up until 4:30, well, um, you know.

After nursing that whiskey hangover the BF and I were less than thrilled about attending the New Years Eve party we'd been invited to on Friday. I wanted to go see my friends and meet their significant others, but sure didn't want to drink anymore. But, I made my dips, got dressed up and we headed to the party anyway.

45 minutes later, we were still looking for the house. I had a good map, but the house was out in the country. My map had street names like Indiana and Quaker. The street signs had names like CR 1770 and CR 1850. WTF? I am just not good with country roads, we were lost as hell, and it was way dark. So we gratefully took that as a sign that we weren't meant to spend this new year's eve getting sloshed and clinking champagne glasses.

We found a familiar road and headed back into town. We enjoyed a scrumptious mexican meal at Ruby Tequila's then watched Oceans Twelve. The movie kinda blew, but you can't beat ringing in the new year with Brad Pitt & Julia Roberts.

It wasn't the mind-blowing drunk hook-up fests I've been reading about on a lot of blogs today, but it was a really nice night. And overall, I think it's a good predictor of the year to come. Less drinking, more responsible choices for the future, more special time with my loved ones. Plus, just for kicks, let's aim for a little more studying and a little less fast food, more blogging and less sleeping in pjs, more reading and less TV watching, more saving for a car and less impulse shopping at Target, more hand written letters to my grandmothers and less ice cream.

2005 is going to be a spectacular year. Bring it on!

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