Wednesday, February 2, 2005

Camera phone

I got a new cell phone last week. Didn't need one, but we'd been with Sprint for two years and we got a deal for staying with them for another year. I decided to pay $30 for a camera phone (after the "instant savings" which are anything but instant) - even though I certainly didn't need one, and initially said I would take anything but a camera phone.

But one afternoon I thought, "Hey Biscuit, wouldn't it be cool to be able to take pics for your blog when you are out and about?!"

So I got one. The phone is great - all the features I need (a phone that makes and receives calls, and an alarm clock), and a couple that are just nice perks (text messaging and internet). And of course, the camera.

It snowed today, probably an inch or so - nothing like what the rest of the country has experienced, but I realized on my way home from work: This is it! I'm going to take a magnificent picture of the snow. It will be artsy and dramatic, and when people see it they will say, "Oooo, this girl has some photo-taking talent!"

Well, out of about 10 pics, this is the best that I came up with. No artsy. No dramatic. No talent. Just a mysteriously shadowy entrance to my school, with some white stuff on the ground. Just like the reviewers on CNET said, don't buy the phone for the camera. I had to learn the hard way, so sue me.

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