Friday, February 11, 2005

Friday Feast

Here's one of my favorite new finds: Sigmund, Carl, and Alfred. Anyone who studies psych or has ever been in therapy will get a kick out of this blog written by three of the most famous psychoanalytic theorists - you remember good ol' Siggy Freud and his Id & Ego, Defense Mechanisms, and Oedipal Complex from freshman psych, right? These guys are not afraid to speak their minds, and they never apologize. Check it out when you have a few minutes...

And now, time to feast on a few morsels of Texas Biscuit...

Appetizer - What do you want for Valentine's Day?
I'm easy this year. Since I just had a wonderful Christmas, engagement, and 30th birthday, all I really want is a nice dinner out with my fiance (yes, I do love saying it!), a few drinks, and some late night lovin'. Oh but wait, no dinner on Monday - lines are too long and service is too rushed. And no flowers. I much more appreciate them on any other day of the year "just because" (and when they don't cost an arm and a leg!).

Soup - If you could change the color of something you own, what would it be and which color would you make it?
Uh, a car is the first thing that comes to mind, but my new car is "metallic midnight green", and I loooove it. Change color ... OH! I'd have to go with the walls in our apartment. Boring bland egg-shell white. When I get a house, I can't wait to be super "trading spaces" and put some bold colors on those walls - eggplant, saffron, claret...

Salad - What's your favorite day of the week and why?
Saturday - isn't that a given? I mean is anyone really going to answer Monday?! On Saturdays - no work, sleep late, have the whole day to study, go to the movies, shop, do errands, return emails, blog, read, clean - or just lay on the couch and do NOTHING. Ah, my sweet lazy Saturday is less than 15 hours away...

Main Course - What excuse do you use most often?
I'm not really one for excuses anymore. I used to be big on "food poisoning" or "female problems" (male bosses never ask about this - they don't want to get into it) to get out of work, but now I'll just call in and say I need to take a day off. Of course I'm blessed with a boss who doesn't care as long as my work is taken care of. I'm usually very prompt, so don't have to use traffic excuses. I guess the only excuse I can come with - and it really isn't an excuse b/c it's true - is "Sorry _______ took so long, I've been busy".

Dessert - Name something or someone you feel sorry for.
I feel sorry for the children that were orphaned in the tsunami. Especially those that got swiped up by those horrendous child-sex-pimps. To lose your family and your home, and then have your body sold for sex at only 8 years old... Unimaginable.

Jeez, what a nice uplifting ending, eh? I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

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