Monday, March 14, 2005

I'm baaaack...

...and it feels good. I needed the break, but I'm refocused and things are looking up.

I picked up the insurance check for my totaled car. ((Do you know how hard it is to not go shopping with an "extra" $3500 burning a whole in your pocket?!)) My dad found a car in Austin that I may be able to buy this weekend. And TBF's parents have a couple options as well.

I bought a great refurbished laptop off eBay - Dude! I got a Dell! - and it should arrive on Wednesday. I decided to just dump my old and busted hard drive and not worry about the $300 bill to attempt to retrieve my files. What are the chances I'll ever reuse any of those college papers? And my resume? I'm sure it needed a fresh start anyway. As for the pics, TBF has most of the good ones on his laptop (backed up of course!) and I've emailed a bunch of the others to friends/family and can get them back if needed. And mp3s - well it's always kind of fun to rebuild a music collection from scratch.

School is under control again. I still have a ton to do for next week, but at least there is nothing due this week, and I'm going to do some studying each night to stay ahead. I've also now completed my last group project EVER. Yes, ever! Oh how I detest group work - overburden myself and the entire group gets credit for a great project, or let everyone do their equal share and turn in a half-ass project. Sigh. Thank goodness it's behind me. And don't you DARE mention me going back for my PhD. Don't do it. I'll cut you.

AND it's Spring Break! Of course I still have to work all week, but both my judges are out of town doing fun stuff with their kiddos, and I am thrilled to not have to go to court for pleas or hearings. I have a huge to-do list which I might actually be able to finish. And I can wear jeans on Friday - woot!

I'm looking forward to getting caught up on blog-reading, as well as updating my blog roll later this week once I get my new computer. Until then, happy Monday to all! :)

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