Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Weird experience this morning: I was sitting in court listening to the judge lecture some kid about the real expense of a dime bag of weed ... court costs, fines, atty fees, probation fees, drug classes, etc - a fantastic lecture by the way - will definitely share this with my kids one day ... oh, but I digress ...

Anyway, I was sitting there when I noticed that my left thumb was completely numb. Odd. I was leaning my left elbow on the arm of the chair, so I figured I'd just been zoning out too long and cut off the circulation. No biggie.

About 5 mins later, my left upper lip was all tingly and numb. Hmmm, what is going on here?

Not too long after that the lip numbness faded but now the tip of my tongue is numb. WTF is this??!!

Now I'm familiar with the symptoms of stroke etc, but I'm not in any of the high risk categories - African-American or Hispanic, male, over 50, history of high blood pressure or diabetes etc. Other than that I have no idea what the problem could be...

For about an hour after that I actually had to work (imagine that!), and forgot about the numbness. In actuality, the numbness all faded pretty quickly, so what I temporarily forgot about is the possibility of dropping dead in the court room, and whether or not I'd put on matching bra & panties this morning - yes this did cross my mind, and no they don't match.

When I got back to my office, I felt fine, but did the obligatory Google search anyway. Oh my God. Do you know how many horrible diseases and conditions have a one-sided numbness as a symptom?!! Besides stroke, we have heart attacks, multiple sclerosis, non-hodgkins lymphoma, lyme disease, and the list goes on...

Although I'm no doctor, and I could make myself crazy trying to self-diagnose, there seems to be a more reasonable and likely alternative: some sort of nerve damage due to two car wrecks in the past three months. Ugh. Maybe, just maybe, I should go see the doctor.

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