Sunday, April 3, 2005

Old lady quiz

Here's a fun one. An interactive quiz that calculates how long you'll live based on personal stats (gender, height & weight, and family's health) plus the life choices we make daily (alcohol & drugs, diet, seatbelt use, exercise, etc). The cool part is you can go back and change answers to calculate how decisions like eating 5 servings of veggies a day could theoretically extend your life by 3 years. And how smoking 2 packs of cigs a day can decrease your life span by 10 years. Wow.

Looks like I could theoretically live to the ripe old age of 83 - not bad.

The quiz tells me that if I cut back on my whiskey consumption and partake in "vigorous" exercise daily I could live to 93 - 10 extra years. But hell, looks like TBF (a moderate smoker) is only going to make it to his late 70s, and who wants to be windowed for 20 years and die alone in a nursing home anyway?! Bring on the whiskey! ;)

The quiz takes about 30 seconds, and you don't have to register or anything. So tell me, who else is still going to be kicking up their heels in 2058?

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