Friday, June 10, 2005

Quiz on the go

Another weekend on my own. TBF is away. No errands. No responsibilities. What to do, what to do? Welp, let's begin with a little quiz on the go. I found this one on brokenshard over a month ago, but I really liked it.

01. Take the book that is closest to you, open it in page 18, what does line 4 says?
..."old girls - Nancy and Cathy. They were beautiful. My mother didn't want me to"...

02. Extend your left arm all you can. Wha i’s the first thing you can touch?
An almost empty Taco Bell cup. Navy couch pillow is just past the cup.

03. What was the last thing you watched on TV?
NBC Nightly News is on now. They are talking about bad weather across the country, and actually showed some footage of a tornado that hit the county north of my home last night. No injuries.

04. Without looking, try to guess what time it is.
5:30 pm

05. Now look at the clock, what time is it?
5:34 pm

06. Besides your computer, what can you hear?
TV, Cajun enjoying dinner, water running in apt upstairs.

07. When was the last time you walked on the street?
Oh, it's been a while - when I walk it is usally on the treadmill.

08. Before coming to this page, what site were you visiting?
Gmail, Wells Fargo to see if I should go out tonight or not.

09. What are you wearing?
Jeans and a white tank top, barefoot.

10. Did you dream last night?
Something about going to a party at some incredible house and running into people I haven't seen since high school. All the while I knew I was supposed to pick up TBF but couldn't get a hold of him...

11. When was the last time you laughed?
Just before I left work. The girl across the hall is undiagnosed OCD - she has to watch her computer turn off before she'll leave the office. Once she gets to the elevator she'll usually go back to check and make sure it's still off. I don't usually laugh about mental stuff, but this just struck me.

12. What is on the walls on the room where you are?
Print of George Seurat's A Sunday on La Grande Jatte above the fireplace to my right, large mirror to my left, and a painting of the Colorado mountains that my grandmother painted behind me.

13. Have you seen something weird lately?
Uh, there are two men that look like twins working on a busted ass jeep in my apartment parking lot. They are white & pasty - albino almost. I guess that is kinda weird.

14. What do you think of this test?
Fun & easy. Not too much thinking involved! ;)

15. What was the last movie you saw?
Watched Signs for the bizillionth time on Wed. I was all worked up about aliens after we got back from Roswell, so it seemed appropriate.

16. If you became a multi-millionaire tonight, what would you buy first?
New cars for myself, TBF, and my parents.

17. Tell me something I don't know about you. Be sincere:
Now that I'm back at probation, I'm afraid that my kindness will be seen as weakness.

18. If you could change something in the world, that wasn't politics related, what would it be?
I would save the tigers.

19. Do you like to dance?
I used to love to dance - I took ballet, pointe, tap & jazz from 5 yrs old until junior high then I was on dance team all four years in high school. I don't like to dance at the club so that limits my options now.

20. George Bush:
"There's an old saying in Tennessee -— I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee - that says, fool me once, shame on - — shame on you. Fool me -— you can't get fooled again." -Nashville, TN, Sept 17, 2002

21.a. Imagine your first kid its a girl. What would you name her?
Lexa Leandra*

21.b. Imagine your first kid its a boy. What would you name him?
Blakely Ashton*

22. Have you ever thought of migrating to another country?
Nope. There are lots of destinations I'd like to travel to for a couple of weeks. But without actually experiencing the culture I couldn't say I'd move there permanently.

23. What language would you like to learn how to speak fluently?
Espanol. What ARE those probationers saying about me in the elevator?!

24. Name the top 3 TV shows you like the most right now:
Six Feet Under

25. Say something profound:
'Nothing is predestined: The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings.' -Ralph Blum

*Confession: These are not the names I would choose. These were the names of my first two cabbage patch kids. That whole name thing is too serious to come up with off the cuff, and I really haven't put a lot of thought into it.

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