Saturday, June 18, 2005

Sued II

Thanks for all your concern over my law suit. No, it wasn't blogging-related - although that surely would've been more exciting!

The whole thing is pretty ridiculous (aren't most suits these days?!), and without saying too much, here are the basics:

In March I was in a car accident. I was ticketed for failure to yield right of way but the other driver nailed me on my back tire, so my insurance company refused to pay 100% since she was also at fault (she should've seen me already in the intersection). So she's suing.

I visited with my insurance agent last week, they are going to hire an atty, and even if this woman wins the suit, no money will come out of my pocket (what a blessing that I upgraded to full coverage when I got the Maxima; I used to only carry liability on my old car). So ACW was correct, all that this will take is my time. Unfortunately she filed the paperwork where she lives, about 120 miles from here, but even transportation costs will also be covered.

There are a couple screwy things about this case which will make it less likely for her to win, and as soon as it's all over I will be very pleased to tell you exactly what I think of this woman and her sue-happy tactics.

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