How could this happen?! Well, after paying for my summer tuition, and a couple of slightly irresponsible money decisions in the past couple months, things were not looking good. As you may or may not have experienced, every once in a blue moon it becomes necessary to bounce a check. It's a calculated bounce, and sometimes that is better than say, going without cable or internet for 2 weeks! Wha-- MY priorities are messed up? Bah!
Anyhoo, I wrote the check and 2 days later as expected it cleared the bank - along with the stupid overdraft fee. And then came a rogue check for an embroidered work shirt I'd written about a month ago, and another one from an out of town dinner, and a gas fill up charge up I'd forgotten about. And unfortunately the list goes on. Eight overdraft fees, EIGHT! At $33 bucks a pop, plus the actual check amount. Yeah, you do the math. Painful.
So I this week I decided to do a little housekeeping. eBay is my friend. I've made lots of great purchases on eBay, but more importantly, about once a year I'll clean out drawers and closets and make a little cash. This particular eBay adventure included a ton of books and DVDs, some exercise equipment, and some jewelry I seldom wear. So far I'm up about $140 bucks, and still have 4 days left on the books. Hooray for eBay and immediate payment through PayPal!
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