Thursday, September 22, 2005

Back off Rita!

Texas doesn't want you, Rita!

Evidently these storm pics that have been flying around the internet post-Katrina were neither taken in Mississippi, nor are they even pics of a hurricane. Nonetheless they are pretty scary. This Hurricane Rita is one bitch of a storm also, and it appears she is going to wreck havoc on the Lone Star state. All I can say is that at least people are taking preparations seriously after Katrina - not only are well do to evacuees getting out of town, but it appears that public transportation is also being provided for those who don't have cars etc. Our old AFB has been set up to house 800 evacuees from the coast.

I emailed some old friends from high school (I graduated in Corpus) and college that live on the coast and let them know they have a friend in Lubbock if they need shelter, etc. Although I'd hate to hear from them due to any tragedy in their own lives, it would be good to see them.

I went to a fantastic domestic violence seminar on Tue/Wed. I'll share some of that info later this week. Today I'm back at work and trying to get caught up after missing two days of phone calls and emails. Back to work...

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