Saturday, March 18, 2006

Bigger and better

I've spent most of the day reworking my blog. You likey? A little easier on the eyes I hope. I started out just wanting to add a banner, but I thought, hell if I'm changing that, let's just update the whole thing. I never would've guessed this would turn into an 8-hour project! Jeebus, I am a FrontPage idiot. But I think it looks okay now. There are some things I might go back and change next week, but for now I'm just glad to be at a stopping point.

My only MAJOR concern is that when you click on the comments, the HaloScan box pops up as it should, but then the TB page also turns into a HaloScan comment box. WTF?! Any thoughts on this? Comment if you can, or email me if you have any idea about a fix. I may have to resort to adding HaloScan code again, but I had to screw with it for so long to begin with (I made the mistake of deleting the code for all Bloggers comments, then HaloScan had nothing to replace, ugh). Anyway, looking for a quick fix if you have one!

And I'm open to any other suggestions you may have, or problems you see.

P.S. My denseness could have a little bit to do with us staying at O'Reilleys until 2am with an old friend, the Killians, the Irish Car Bombs, or the $139 bar tab. Very fun night. Not so fun hangover.

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