Wednesday, March 15, 2006


I have been SUCH a slacker this week. I've seen all my people, but haven't done more than a smidgen of the paperwork that should accompany each appointment. Oh, and don't even get me started about filing. It all started last Wednesday when I purposely put off my work, thinking I could get caught up the following day, but unfortunately the next day brought some kind of new drama that kept me from doing my paperwork. And I have yet to get caught up.

I shouldn't be surprised. The life of a probation officer is always full of drama. Filing paperwork and verifying employment and checking UA results and doing field visits are a breeze. There are always subsequent arrests and relapses and bad attitudes and violations of curfew and new relationships and moves out of county and broken down cars and hating on counselors and hating on me and losing jobs and getting raises and being kicked out of the half-way houses and positive UAs and losing kids to CPS and tears and lies and deceit.

So these things keep me busy from 8-5.

But besides that, TBF and I have finally found a fantastic wedding venue, and we've narrowed down the date. And for the first time in months, I am really really excited about the wedding and our future as legally hitched "man and wife". I am a happy gal, and well, my job just doesn't seem so critical this week.

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