Monday, February 12, 2007

first book swap

I've gotten a tad burned out on selling old books on eBay and decided to try a free book swapping service I heard about last fall: BookMooch.

The service uses a point system where you earn points for listing books in your inventory, shipping requested books, and leaving feedback for others. You can earn even more points if you agree to ship internationally. It is free to use the service, and the only cost is in shipping media mail, usually under a couple bucks for paperbacks.

My only complaint so far is that while a book is on your Wish List, you can't click to search and see if it has been added to anyone's inventory. The only option is to retype the book's info and browse for it. And frankly the search feature isn't the greatest.

However I do love that they provide links to Amazon so you can quickly look up descriptions and reader reviews. Nice touch.

So last week I mailed three wedding books that I no longer needed. And in return requested three counseling books. The first one arrived today: the classic 1960s text on Transactional Analysis, Games People Play (for example SWYMD: See What You Made Me Do) by Eric Berne. It arrived only 3 days after I mooched it, and in perfect condition. For free. Excellent!


FreedomGirl said...

Awesome. Thanks for the link! This is perfect for me. From looking at my house, you'd never guess that I'm a reader because of the lack of books around....I always read them, then donate them, unless they hold particular meaning to me.

thephoenixnyc said...

That sounds like a cool system. Being that I sell antique and 1st edition books on ebay I won't give it up though.

Welcome back to blogworld.