Wednesday, February 14, 2007

what to do

I woke up this morning around 5 to peep out the blinds and find out if we were snowed in. No luck. Even though it was a whopping 12 degrees outside, there was only about an inch or two of snow on the ground, and nothing new falling. Back to bed until the alarm goes off at 6:45.

Next thing I know it's 7:15, and still no alarm. TBH jumped up, "the power's out". Meh. He still had to go to work, but the good news for me was I'd already planned on flexing out today, so I didn't have to worry about trying to find pants that didn't need to be ironed, putting on makeup in the dark, or going to work with wet hair.

But it didn't take long to realize all the things I cherish about a day off were also off limits: no endless cups of coffee, no Today Show or CNN, no watching our newest addition to our DVD collection: The Departed or any of my other Drew Barrymore favorites, no Xbox 360 (although that option was already out since it is somewhere between Dallas and McAllen on it's way to the repair center), no scrambled eggs, no blogging, and above all no heat. Did I mention it was 12 degrees?!!

So with no electricity and freezing temps, what's a girl to do?!

Put on my extra fuzzy sucks and a fleece. Mosey to the couch with pillow and blanket in tow, and take the world's best nap. No guilt about avoiding vacuuming or cleaning out the fridge. No television or internet distractions. Nothing but me, layers of feathers, and two happy cats.

We snoozed until 10:30 when the electric company got the power back on and I was able to brew some coffee and catch up on last night's American Idol. Now that is the way to start a day.

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