Monday, November 22, 2004

Good news, bad news

I finally dragged myself to the dentist today for a routine cleaning. My dental plan covers a free cleaning bi-annually, so I can't really explain why it's taken me almost 3 years to get back to see Dr. Marshall. I know a lot of people are terrified of the dentist but fortunately I've never had a bad experience. Besides the doc is pretty cool. So here's the news...

Good news: My gums are very healthy (especially for not having a cleaning in 3 years!).

Bad news: I have 2 tiny cavities. Damn. Haven't had one since I was 10 - thought I'd outgrown that baby stuff. I'm going back after Thanksgiving to get them filled.

Worst news ever: Doc said I need to get all 4 of my wisdom teeth taken out, as soon as possible. The bottom two are impacted which makes the whole procedure more painful, more prone to infection, and more expensive. I called the oral surgeon that my dentist referred me to and the initial estimate is between $1440-2550 depending on the severity. PLUS I have to pay the entire balance upfront then wait up to 2 months to get reimbursed by my insurance company. I have a decent job but sure don't have an extra two grand lying around the house for dental work. What do people with no insurance do in this situation?! Just live with it?! Maybe they pull a "Castaway" and knock the tooth out with an ice skate blade. I'm fortunate to not have any pain so I can put it off a few months. The only good thing I can look forward to? S-e-d-a-a-a-t-i-o-n.

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