Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Myers-Briggs: ISFJ

Any non-psychology folks out there may not dig this post, but I've always enjoyed the Myers-Briggs personality test - I took a whole class on it last semester. The theory of psychological type says that people with different preferences naturally have different interests, perspectives, behaviors, and motivations. I am an ISFJ:

I = Introverted (vs. E = Extroverted)
S = Sensory (vs. N = iNtuitive)
F = Feeling (vs. T = Thinking)
J = Judging (vs. P = Perceiving)
The theory says that my internal motivation as a "protector" is to care for others and shelter them from life's challenges (absolutely true). I expect children to be respectful and I will be an overprotective mom (probably so). I am a good homemaker and am extremely loyal to my family and friends (undeniably). I am shy around strangers (afraid so). I don't like changes in the work place (not really), feel underappreciated (somewhat true), and have a relatively thankless job (definitely true). Fields in which I'm likely to be successful are human services and ministry. Interesting. Take the test yourself, it's free.

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