Friday, December 3, 2004

Accident, part deux

Well, this pic from today's paper captures yesterday's drama a bit more accurately. That is my head floating over to the left of the melee. Please take note of the on-its-side truck that could've crushed me
........ dramatic pause ........

Thank God for my big old tank - who knew my lack of financial planning to get a new sporty fiberglass car would ever pay off like this?!

I'm going to a work Christmas party after work, so no doubt will not be up for posting when I get home tonight. Hopefully will have tons of fun pics worthy of sharing. Nothing says "fun" like a bunch of slobbering drunk probation officers gabbing about crime, horrible offenders, and "the system".


Lauren said...

88 volvo, really? i love you already rene!!! okay, i think i fixed the pic (i'm so embarresed that i thought i could post from work and completely couldn't). can you see the pic now? crazy, huh?! anyhoo, thanks for checking in, i will holler at ya tomorrow...

aome said...

elizabeth - glad you're okay! i hope the other people involved in the accident are recovering...

Lauren said...

Yes, I'm completely fine now - considered calling in "broken" for work the following day, but then it woulda been a bit awkward to show up at the Christmas party that night. The news didn't do any follow-up stories, so I'm assuming everyone else is fine also. Thanks for checking in!