Wednesday, December 8, 2004


Well, at 2:30am I finished my last paper for my last class of the semester. It was kinda a bitch too - 10 pages on the effects of media advertisements on adolescents with eating disorders - pretty discouraging statistics really. But, the point here is that I am done with grad school ... for 34 days anyway (but who's counting?!). I have vowed not to set foot in the library, pick up a counseling-related book, or even think about next semester for at least a month. During those last few days before classes start I can try to figure out how the hell I'm going to squeeze in an extra 12 hours a week for practicum into my already hectic schedule. Man, thank God I don't have kids yet - I just don't know how people juggle a full time job, grad school, and a family. My heart goes out to anyone who has that kind of patience, and I wish I could learn a thing or two from you about time management (finishing a paper at 2am is getting a lot less cool the older I get).

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