Tuesday, December 7, 2004

Email our military

I received a forward this weekend inviting me to send a holiday greeting to our military overseas at Any Service Member.org. I checked out the website and was a tad turned off that instead of taking a moment to send out a heartfelt holiday message to our troops, I had to spend 5 minutes wading through a laundry list of "do nots": Do not curse. Do not get political. Do not post forwards. Do not use excessive punctuation or caps. Do not write poetry (no poetry?!). Oh, and you have to spell correctly! Jeez, I'm all about spelling and grammar, but are our soldiers really going to reject our "thanx" and "prayrs"? I was irritated with that site and decided to look for another outlet for my message.

I googled Operation Dear Abby and Email Our Military which look okay, but there are no dates and I can't tell if they are active sites, and there is no verification re if and when and how emails will be received and by whom...

SO, I'm curious, does anyone know a good website in which I can send our troops wishes and prayers for the holidays?

1 comment:

Jill said...

hey, thanks for stopping by my site!

your spelling and grammar are just fine to send something from that first site! i think it's good that they make some restrictions so they're not getting a lot of unintelligble stuff they can't use anyway. just my 2 cents!