Friday, January 14, 2005

Friday Feast

I originally saw this on Jessica's blog, and I've had the prompts for several weeks without really feeling inspired to do it, but today seems like a good day to start. My other lazy option was Friday Catblogging. I lurve my kitties, but I'm sure you guys would grow bored with their whiskered faces pretty quickly. Maybe I'll alternate...

The truth though is that I'm still pretty ticked with the Firefox issue. I hate that people are having to use Explorer just to look at my blog. I know that is incredibly frustrating, I am so sorry guys. My fiance is going to try a few new things over the weekend too. If anyone thinks of anything, please please email me at texasbiscuit at gmail dot com.

Okay, back to the Friday Feast, 5 enticing courses for your mind to gobble up.

Appetizer: If you could have a free subscription to any online service, which would you like to have?

Uh, I am missing something? What exactly is an "online service"?! Pay porn sites maybe?! I googled and found lots of links to business organizations. Boring sites I wouldn't want to spend any more time with even if they were free! What a non-answer that was. I'm obviously not making up these questions.

Soup: Describe your bathroom (furnishings, colors, etc.).

I live in an apt, so am stuck with the wallpaper which is a horrid beige and navy plaid. Bleh. With a solid paint I would be happy with the other decor - purple butterflys on a sheer ivory shower curtain, and coordinating purple and ivory butterfly accessories. Can't wait to have a house to paint and wallpaper and carpet just the way I want!

Salad: What does the shape of a triangle make you think of?

My mom used to be into non-traditional metaphysical-healing-meditation stuff when I was little. I remember we used to listen to relaxation tapes together, and there was a large paper triangle with I think blues and yellows on it that we focused on. I think there was a pyramid in the middle. The tape directs you to "stare at the triangle"... "use your mind's eye" ... "find your center". I can still hear the guy's deep soothing voice, "reeeeeelax".

Main Course: Name 3 things or activities that you consider to be luxuries.

These are necessary luxuries of course: massages, an expensive pair of heels, snow days, anything leather, bubble baths, a good bottle of wine, hand written letters from loved ones - oh wait, did someone say three things?

Dessert: What was the last really great movie you watched?

The movie that made me laugh the hardest in the past few months was Meet the Fockers. I absolutely love the real-life relationships between spouses and parents and in-laws. You can't make that stuff up.

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