Thursday, February 24, 2005

Damn devil!

Angel: You can do it, Biscuit! Hang in there!

Devil: Hell, it's already 3:30am. Just go to bed.

Angel: You just have a few more pages to write, then you'll be all ready for tomorrow.

Devil: A FEW?! Bwaahahaha! You're only half way done with a 12-page assigment. You've been working on this thing since just after dinner and you are only half.way.done.

Angel: Not true. You've blogged, and watched American Idol, and went to Starbucks for coffee. Now that you are really applying yourself it won't take but a minute to finish.

Devil: You're getting sleeeeeeeepy.

Angel: Don't you keep telling yourself that you only have to make it through this one last semester of classes, then you'll be home free with a master's degree and racking in the big bucks. Just a couple more months, and once this paper is done, you...

Devil: Yeah, but if you don't go to bed now, you are going to be worthless tomorrow. Don't forget you still have to work 8-4, then go to class from 4-9. You can't stay up 36 hours straight - it ain't worth it.

Angel: Oh. He's right. Better get a couple hours of shut eye and you can struggle with the rest of your paper tomorrow from work. I'll be praying you don't have any emergencies that have to be dealt with at the courthouse.

Damn you, Devil! I'm off to bed. 3 hours of sleep will be okay. Of course I'd sleep a lot more peacefully if this moronic paper was finished. Oh well, screw it.

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