Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Famous, part II

Hooray for MooCow for guessing my secret celebrity kiss - just by knowing he was a musician about 20 years older than Bono?! This guy is gooood.

In 2000, just after TBF (yes, that's Texas Biscuit's Fiance, hope you like it, I just can't come up with anything more creative) and I started going out, he took me to my first Willie Nelson concert.

((Ian, since your from Argentina, I'll cut you some slack for not knowing this American legend - you click here))

Opening for Willie that night was some Texas fraternity band, can't remember who. We were there for Willie only, and TBF has always been one for chatting up some famous folks - particularly musicians and baseball players - and getting a couple autographs in the process. He's just that cool.

The two of us hung out at the back entrance of the coliseum. The only other people out there were the frat boys who were in charge of "security". It was cool and rainy that night, but in true Willie form, we had our flask of Jack Daniels to keep us warm.

We watched the sun go down, got drunk out in the rain, and gabbed for hours. We talked about our families and relationships and school. I laughed and cried and even peed behind the dumpsters (shut up - you know you'd do it in an emergency!). It would've been a great night if we ended right there ... but it gets better.

Over an hour late, we finally saw Willie's headlights pull up in the coliseum lot. The frat boys started going nuts, pushing us back, and forming a ring around the door to the bus - as if the two of us who'd been standing out in the rain for the past two hours suddenly posed some sort of threat to the band. I was afraid all our waiting would be in vain.

Ah, but Willie, good old Willie, after about 5 minutes of this nonsense he sauntered off the bus with his Sharpie in hand, pushed through the idiot frat boys and walked straight over to us. He signed TBF's baseball and a picture for me. He paused, kissed me on the cheek, gave TBF a wink, and hustled on inside with Trigger in hand.

And just to clear up any confusion:
1) no, Michael, Willie and I didn't make out
2) no, we didn't get high on his tour bus after the show *sigh*

I've always liked Willie's music - On the Road Again, Whiskey River, City of New Orleans, and his duets like Pancho & Lefty with Merle Haggard. Classics. But besides the music, he's just a really great genuine guy. I could go on, but will save some more Willie stories for another day.

Oh, and we did go in to watch the show afterwards, and yes, it was wonderful.

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