Thursday, February 3, 2005

Feb 3rd already?

ARGH! It's already the 3rd and I've forgotten to pay rent! Luckily the fiance has a much better grasp of time than I do, and he called to say he'd drop off the rent check before class.

There just doesn't seem to be any distinction between the days (or is it dates?) of the month for me anymore. There is no difference between the 1st, 8th, or 134th. I can't even remember which 1st and 3rd Thu is pay day anymore. All I know is all the crap I have to do this week, and every following week until May:

Mon: 8-5 work; 6-9 group counseling session for practicum hours
Tue: 8-4 work; 4:30-6 practicum class; 6-9 family counseling class
Wed: 8-5 work; 5-7 individual counseling sessions for practicum
Thu: 8-4 work; 4:30-6 practicum class; 6-9 diversity counseling class
Fri: 8-5 work; 5-?? get wasted, bond with fiance, catch up w/friends
Sat: 11-1 comps review; 1-?? study, sleep, visit g-ma, talk to 'rents
Sun: 11-1 church & lunch;
then prepare for another hellacious week of more of the same!

Aren't 13-hour days fabulous?! And in between all this shiznit, I have to make time for sleep, food, homework, 100 practicum hours, American Idol x2, blogging, cats, and my fiance. Oh lord, and I still have to plan a wedding!!!

So do you feel sorry for little ol' me yet? I hope not. I hate to be so negative, so let me end by saying that I'm blessed to have the opportunity to finish grad school and NOT be trying to juggle kids at the same time. And needless to say I'm thrilled to be getting married (and that all involved parties are happy to wait about 14 months for the big day!). I'm sure working parents feel even more overwhelmed, and they don't rub it in all the time like I just did. Nevertheless, I feel better now that you know.


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