Saturday, February 5, 2005

Yipee Skippy!

I had to wake up at 8 today to take care of some car business. And now naturally I can't go back to sleep. I'm so used to waking up at 6:30 that my body thinks that staying in bed until 8 WAS sleeping late, and now it's time to get up. Hmph.

Surfed through the TV channels, hoping to find some mindless programming to put me back to sleep, cartoons specifically. But no such luck. Has anyone noticed how badly Saturday morning cartoons suck these days? I miss The Smurfs, Alvin & the Chipmunks, Richie Rich, Garfield, ... and my all time favorite Muppet Babies.

After all that ranting and raving about my school/work schedule on Thursday, I don't know what happened, but I felt the need to break free from the daily grind. Thursday night, went to drug court - as an observer, not a participant! will have to explain that another time - then skipped both classes. I felt better the moment I hit the "send" button to let my professors know I wouldn't be there.

Then we decided celebrate a night of freedom at the wine bar. Felt MUCH better after that... Wouldn't you know I ran into two of my classmates at the bar (of course they showed up at 9 after class was over). Oopsy. So since good wine, good buzz and good conversation was taken care of on Thu, that left my Fri night free for homemade hamburgers, a movie (Friday Night Lights - as if I won't get my share of football tomorrow) , some computer time, and asleep by 11. Aaah, so refreshed.

Nevertheless I've still decided to skip my Saturday morning comps review. Who ever heard of a study group on Saturday morning anyway?! Meh, I'll just pay extra-close attention in class the next couple months - if I make it to class that is.

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