Wednesday, February 9, 2005

Wed diversity lesson

In my Diversity class last night, we had several speakers from the local chapter of PFLAG - Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays - visit our class.

It was a fascinating and moving presentation, no fancy overheads or handouts, just 5 people openly sharing their stories and experiences.

PFLAG's mission is to (1) support, (2) educate, and (3) advocate, so today I'm taking the opportunity to pass on some of the things I learned about last night - not to get into a hot religious or political debate - but just do my part to CELEBRATE DIVERSITY.

Did you know that...
* 10% of Americans are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, etc
* 37% of Americans have had a homosexual experience
* 95% of sexual abuse is committed by heterosexuals, not homosexuals
* 1 in 4 married men have affairs (what does this say about our morality?!)
* 50% of gays & lesbians report parental rejection after 'coming out'
* 25% of gays & lesbians drop out of school due to the hatred and prejudice in our schools
* Lesbians have very high rate of teen pregnancy (trying to prove their straigtness)
* Gays & lesbians have the highest rate of suicide of any group, even surpassing the elderly
* One's sexual orientation is NOT a choice*

One of our speakers, Ricky Waite, attempted to establish an organization for the support of gay and lesbian students in 2002 - the Gay-Straight Alliance. The group held their meetings off-campus, but requested to post their flyers at Lubbock High School. The school board denied their request, comparing them to "any group that might cause a disruption on campus" such as "the Ku Klux Klan, al-Qaida or skinheads".

The GSA sued the school board - and lost. Judge Cummings ruled that "such topics are inappropriate for school-age children." Well, that makes sense - God knows none of us dated, had sex, or fell in love while we were still in high-school. Inappropriate, my ass. The GSA felt very strongly that their civil rights had been violated, but decided not to appeal the case since all the members had already graduated by the time of the ruling.

I think one of the best points made at last night's presentation was that when most of us think of a gay relationship (particularly men), we immediately picture a graphic anal sex scene with the behr-chika-behr-behr porn music. HOWEVER, any successful relationship, gay or straight, isn't based solely on sex - and it's unfair of us to think that is all a gay relationship is about. Love, intimacy, trust, friendship, respect - these are the foundations of any successful relationship, gay or straight.

We all need and deserve to be loved, regardless of our sexual orientation or gender identity. Period. So let's continue to educate ourselves, be sensitive to each other's needs, stop the jokes and hate-speech ... let's celebrate our diversity.

*Stats are from various handouts from my presentation, sorry I'm not notating them all here, but will be glad to forward sources if you are interested.

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