Thursday, March 3, 2005

Idol on Wed

Well, well, well. It turns out that Simon must have been listening when Mr. K was dishing out American Idol advice last week. We now have no singing losers and a 1/2 results show - hooray for Mr. K!

So who's gone? Joseph, Celena, David, and Aloha. None amazingly talented or even very memorable (I must agree with Joseph who said he didn't get much air time during the audition shows, I think that does make a difference because we don't really "know" him).

But in my opinion ALL were better than two that got to stick around: Anthony Federov and Janay Castine. BLAH! Janay butchered Hit Em Up Style (if that is what it's called). She look terrified, and she's been bugging me because she never has any emotion when the other performers are singing. She needs to go. Soon.

And my current favorites, you ask (or maybe you didn't, meh)? Well Nadia is no longer on my short list. As much as I want her to kick ass, she just isn't doing it for me. So Mikalah Gordon has replaced her as the number 1 girl for me - especially after that magnificent performance on Tue. She took Simon's advice to heart and toned the spaziness down a bit and I think it really paid off. I was also especially surprised by Bo Bice this week - he did great. It was so easy to watch him perform, and I wasn't worried about if he was going to hit the next note or stumble off the stage. He's just an especially confident performer. And I still have my fingers crossed for Anwar the music teacher as well. Until next week. Seacrest. Out.

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