Monday, March 7, 2005


Hello all. It's been a rough couple of weeks for TB. After the laptop fiasco (it's still in the shop, hopefully will get the estimate today and find out if it's worth the cost of repairs to an old laptop just to get my docs, pics, and mp3s back, or if I should put the $ into something new), PLUS I was in another major car accident last Tuesday (yes, my beautiful new Maxima that I'd only driven for 6 weeks is totaled and I'm doing the car-search thing again), PLUS regular work BS and a half a dozen more school projects due, I'm running on emotional fumes, and flat don't have the energy or spirit to blog.

SO! I'm giving myself a week off to get my act together and focus on school (yes mom, I know buckling down now, even though it seems like just a stupid paper for a stupid class, will pay off in the long run once I get my M.Ed.). Just one more week until Spring Break. Five. More. Days. By that time I should be back on track physically and emotionally and will have plenty of stories to share.

Until then, I hope you are all fine & dandy. And don't forget to be super cautious on the road. Even when you're sober. Even in the middle of the day. Even when the weather is clear and sunny. Even if you are driving legally, it doesn't mean everybody else is. Careless Maniacs!

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