Of course, as far as the work-thing goes, that had a LOT more to do with my internet being down than with my actual motivation to succeed. Oh well, at least I know what it feels like to be a really productive employee (But, please God, give me web access next week - 5 days of productivity is quite enough for me!)
Yesterday after work I got a manicure, bought an adorable new purse and pair of pink summer sandals, and had a couple beers with my good friend and bridesmaid, T.
This morning I slept until 11:11 (have you ever heard that you should make a wish whenever you see a clock at 11:11? I've done this for years. Wacky?). And this is where is gets so great... I had absolutely nothing to do. I should rephrase: nothing that I HAD to do or feel guilty for NOT doing. Ahhhh.
So I got caught up on some emails and phone calls to out of town friends, had lunch in the park (it's gorgeous here today - 81 & sunny), did some laundry and partially cleaned out my closet (c'mon it's a big job - you can't expect me to actually finish that project in one day!), took a walk, did some wedding research/planning, and now I'm jamming out to a "totally 80s weekend" on the radio (currently playing: One Night in Bangkok) and catching up on my blog reading.
Tonight will be reserved for a bottle of wine and The Notebook on DVD. I didn't watch it at the theatre, but everyone said it was incredible. I'll have my kleenex box ready.
Hope you are having a fantastic weekend too!
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