Monday, April 18, 2005

Blogger code

You've heard of geek code? Well now I have a blogger code. Who knew?
You can find your code here, and decode it here.

Code: B2 d- t- k+ s u-- f i- o x+ e- l c+

Decoded: I've been blogging for 3-6 months. I don't own a domain, but I have my own web address. I use Blogger, BigBlogTool, or similar service to update a blogspot, Geocities, or other hosted site; or I use diaryland, livejournal, or another service with built-in updating and content management. I have quite a few links, and I try to check in on them all regularly, or at least periodically. I check my stats occasionally, mostly to discover new blogs that are linking to mine. I don't link to, nor read, any of the standard A-list blogs (Megnut, Kottke, Robot Wisdom, etc.). In fact, I've never heard of 'em. I try to post once a day, but it doesn't always happen, and that's no big deal. The blog isn't the first thing I think of when something happens, but I usually remember to blog the interesting things... eventually. My entries are a mix of some original material, some web links, and links and comments about other blogs. I've dated and/or slept with another blogger and/or met my significant other through blogging. I haven't posted, and don't plan on posting, any photos of myself on my blog. I've taken a few surveys or participated in a few memes, but there seem to be so many of them I have to pick and choose. Only a few people I know outside of blog circles knows about my blog.


Boring, I know. I just haven't felt inspired to write the past few days. Not to mention still not having internet at work. Bummer. Anyway, after spending an hour looking for a clever meme, I've given up and and settled on this. Will return with more content soon. Hope you have a good Monday!

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