Saturday, April 23, 2005

Man eats underwear

I know it's too small to read*, but the jist of this story is that this Canadian dude gets pulled over for DWI and while waiting in the back of the cop car, he thinks it wise to rip the crotch out of his underwear and eat it.

Why you ask?

Well to absorb the alcohol in his mouth in order to fool the breathalyzer of course!!

Oddly, he blew .08, the legal limit. So did sucking on his leftover wee-wee juices and ass gases really work?! Eww. Too graphic even for me.

On that note, TBF and I didn't go out last night, and although I was dying for a whiskey and diet coke, it feels good to be up early and NOT hungover. I'll be spending the next 48 hours intensely working on school papers. I have a total of 8 papers to complete before May 3rd - yes, EIGHT - what are they trying to do, kill me?! And since I'll be in Austin all next week for training (whee!) I need to get as much done this weekend as possible. So off I go. Back to the books. Diversity (I think the first assignment I'll tackle will be Native American Indians and their struggle to raise awareness of Indian-related mascots), here I come!

*Although the man in this pic is clearly not 18 (per the article), Snopes indicated that this actually happened in 1985, and that the parties were actually called to court to testify about the incident. I'd just die if I ever had to confess such a thing.

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