Thursday, April 28, 2005

Training II

No, it doesn't relate. I just like this pic.

Training is much improved these past two days. I no longer want to pour scalding coffee on my crotch to avoid the sessions. Thank goodness I held off on that idea!

On Wed and Thu we presented mock lessons on cognitive self change and basic social skills. Feedback from the class was favorable, so I feel very good about that. I was loud & confident, maintained eye contact, used people's names, involved the group, knew the material - all the things good speakers are supposed to do. I don't turn into a bumbling idiot or anything in front of a group of people, nonetheless I don't enjoy presentations. Why?

I'm not funny. I don't tell jokes well. Wait. I need to be honest. There is no "well" to it. I am a horrendous joke-teller. Terrible. Horrible. Miserable. Jokes aren't lost on my little blonde head or anything - I get 'em - I'm just no good at pulling off a punch line (or even the story leading up to that punch line for that matter). It is a skill that most of my peers appear to come by effortlessly. I know many of you have it, and you have my utmost respect and admiration. Bitches.

I've known about my un-funniness for years, and I am okay with it. Until now. Within a couple weeks I am going to begin facilitating this cognitive skills course to a group of 10-16 criminal offenders. Mostly men, generally in their 20s-30s, for the most part undereducated and underemployed - tough crowd. Granted, the curriculum itself is a tad dry. There is lots of roll play and group interaction, but other than that, how am I going to keep these guys entertained, interested, and AWAKE?!!

Where can I sign up for a how-to-be-funny class?

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