Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Time travel

Last night I finally finished Audrey Nieffenegger's Time Traveler's Wife. One word: FANTASTIC! I started boo-hooing as soon as Henry went out to the front porch to start saying his good-byes. Oh man, I was crying so hard that I think TBF was wondering if someone in my own family had died! *

Anyway, I really enjoyed the sequencing of the story as Henry travels back and forth across the years, yet Clare manages to stay put - pleading with him not to leave yet patiently awaiting his return. Very well written and easy to follow. I also enjoyed the frequent change in voice to express both Henry and Clare's points of view. I'm not into sci fi at all, but this time travel book had a riveting plot and beautiful love story.

My only disappointment was that Clare was STILL waiting at the end. I mean, I get that he was the love of her life, but after Henry gave her his blessing to move on, I was hoping she'd continue her art career and have a bundle more kids (with anyone but dirty Gomez that is). I was sadened that at 82 she was still waiting... Nonetheless, I really enjoyed the story itself, and highly recommended it (for the two of you out there who haven't read it yet)!

*Speaking of death, first Nate, then Henry. And did you see the newest Real World (yeah, I usually don't watch, but it's an Austin-thing)? Danny's mother died. Jeez.

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