Tuesday, October 18, 2005


I spent a good part of my day planning this post - mentally documenting each moment of my sucky day so that I could share with you each crappy part of it.

But then, come 6pm, it started getting better - I finally got home, took a hot shower, had a glass of chardonnay, went to Best Buy and had a wonderful evening with TBF over fajitas at Chilis with TBF, then on the way home...

...the car died. Died dead. It started up out of the parking lot just fine like it always does, we drove about 100 yards, and it just died. Dead. I know, I already said that, but it is still a shock. It seemed to have plenty of power but just wouldn't turn over. Had enough gas. No warning lights. Everything checked out. The tow truck idiot said it was probably a fuel filter. Fudge. He towed the car to a local shop then took us home. I still stink like b.o. from his stupid smelly tow truck. BUT, the good news is we made it home in one piece at a decent hour. There is money in the bank for repairs. We didn't miss work, class, or any appointments. And now, here I am blogging about it within the hour. Thank goodness for my AAA membership that doesn't expire until Nov 2.

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