Monday, October 17, 2005

It's over!

What a relief! Last Saturday morning I took my comps. I've never prepared so much in my life for any event - and particularly not for an exam. I am a VERY last minute kinda gal. I rarely begin any project more than 48-hours in advance, usually just the night before. But for this test, believe it or not, I actually started studying 6 weeks ago. SIX WEEKS! I ordered some pricey review materials, and read and read and read. I woke up early and read. I read and went to bed late. I spent dozens of hours studying at Starbucks over triple venti lattes. I read during lunch. I read in between meetings. I even turned down numerous drinking opportunities to read. It was nuts. I can't even believe it now.

Anywhoodle, I took my test last week and it went pretty smoothly. Oddly, I almost wished the test was longer because there was so much information I'd learned that wasn't on the test! Of course there were some questions I had to just guess on also, but for the most part, I felt like I did really well. AND more importantly, I'm expecting a congratulatory letter in the mail around Nov 1 which will permit me to graduate in December. And be out of school FOREVER! The downside that I'm refusing to think about is that if by chance I don't pass, I can retake the test. However, I have to be enrolled in a grad class to take it, which means more worthless tuition and fees, and pushing back graduation until May 2006. Ugh. Hopefully that isn't anything I'll have to worry about!

So, hopefully in two weeks, congratulations will be in order. But for now, it's just time to be getting back into the swing of things. And no more studying!!

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