Monday, November 14, 2005

Busy little bee

What a busy couple of weeks! Quick update:

New computer software at work. It was developed just for us by a local company, and was supposed to be ready to start beta testing on August 1st. Uh, no. We didn't get it installed until 10/31, the same day the contract for our old corrections software package was terminated. Fortunately there was no apparent data loss, but there are soooo many bugs and problems, it's ridiculous. My fave IT guy said it would likely be 3-6 months until everything is up and running as it should be. Trying my best to be p a t i e n t.

Went to Ruidoso last weekend and TBF and I did some early Christmas shopping. Our favorite Italian joint, Michelinas, was closed for remodeling though, so we didn't get to gorge on pizza, pasta, and wine as planned. However we still managed to get drunk and watch Texas Tech beat up on A&M at Farley's. Go Tech!

This Saturday, I worked (volunteered) my first crisis team shift for the local police department. We go out in pairs in an unmarked car, monitor the police radio and computer and go out on calls where we can be of assistance to the victim or their family - generally crisis counseling after a domestic disturbance, but also homocide, suicide, kiddnapping, etc. This weekend there was actually a kidnapping on Friday night that turned into a homocide investigation by Saturday morning. Very interesting stuff.

This morning I met with the atty my insurance company hired to represent me after a car accident from March. The plaintiff dismissed the case a few months ago, and I thought I was in the clear, but they've since re-filed. Blegh. I've given all the appropriate statements, turned over documents and pictures, and should be called to give a deposition in a month or so. If it isn't settled earlier, the trial will be scheduled for December 2006!! Just a motherly reminder - pay those insurance premiums!

On Wednesday I will interview for a brand new counseling position within the probation department. I don't have any expectation of being offered the position as I am not yet licensed and won't even graduate for another month, but I do have tons of probation experience and counseling internship hours through the drug court and the women's shelter, so we'll see. Best case scenario: I get the new position and an enormous raise. Worst case scenario: It was a great interview experience.

And on Friday morning - dum duh dum dum - to the oral surgeon to get all four wisdom teeth removed. I will have a swollen drooling bloody face five days from now. Pretty imagery. Well, at least it's a day off, and a good excuse to be babied, eat jello, and lay on the couch. Oh, and did someone mention Lortab?

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