Sunday, February 12, 2006

Angel crossing

I freakin' LOVE Grey's Anatomy. I cried like three times tonight. I thought George sweet talking Dr Bailey into having the baby was the best. Love it.


I volunteered with our local crisis team last night, as I do one weekend night per month. It's a fun experience, riding around with another counselor in an unmarked cop car (no lights though) with the police computer and dispatch radios. Our purpose it to attend to crisis calls after the police take care of arrests etc - providing initial crisis counseling primarily for victims of domestic abuse, but also to family members after auto accidents, homicides or suicides, etc. Fortunately we don't have a ton of these kind of calls, so we spend a good deal of the night driving around town, and dropping in on any other calls that sound interesting or entertaining.

So last night about 12:30am we got a call about what sounded like a "woman in an angel costume" walking down the street. Really? A costume? This ain't October! We were only about 6 blocks away, so we headed that direction. And sure enough...

A pretty young woman stumbling toward an extremely busy intersection wearing flowy white pants, a white tank top, no shoes, and yes, white feathery angel wings. We drove behind her as she walked to try to avoid her getting splattered by the Saturday night traffic. The police cruisers showed up about 3 minutes later to question her.

Clearly, the girl was drunk, and she said she just needed a ride home (never got a chance to clarify from whence she came or exactly why she was barefoot and wearing an angel costume in the middle of February). I'm kinda sad that the rookie decided she had to go to jail last night for a PI.

Poor angel. I don't think it's very good karma to put an angel behind bars!

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