Tuesday, February 13, 2007

dreaded car repairs

I've had old used cars all my life. Not classic-collector-old, just old enough to be kinda dumpy and have ongoing mechanical problems. And I hate mechanical problems. Hate. With a passion. I've had the misfortune of being that girl driving down the road with steam blowing out of the engine. And on a separate occasion black steam spilling out of the exhaust pipe. I've had all kinds of rattles and knocks and squeaks. My car has died on a country road, and a couple of times in traffic (the worst feeing EVER). There was a time when I had a car with a thousand dollars in speakers and sound equipment, but no A/C. Who said anything about priorities?

My most recent used car, a mid-90s Camry has been holding up pretty well. The paint on the hood has all gone to hell (looks like a sunburn, all cracked and peeling, ugly), but it runs pretty well. Until last week ... the dreaded banging-breaking-rattle arrived with a vengeance.

So yesterday my trusty mechanic tells me the water pump and timing belt have passed on to automotive heaven, and the repair is going to be $490. We were hoping for about a $300 bill, so almost $500 is going to suck.

And then he informs me that the oil pump is also on its way out. That could be an additional $310 now since they are already into the engine, OR $650 later when they have to open the whole thing up again. Grr! I know it sounds scammy, but these guys are very reputable and did a lot of free work for us when we were car-shopping (another post!). Anyway, he said the oil pump didn't have to be done now, and will probably be manageable for some time as long as we don't let it get too low on oil.

So that is fine with me. We don't take the Camry on road trips anymore, so it gets <30 miles a week. But the fact that we're going to have to pay almost $500 now, and another $650 in a few months on a used car just kills me.

How could the Car Gods possibly keep track of each time I'm about to get current on all my bills and start saving, and have the car blow up that very month?!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're back in the blogging game, Biscuit. Congrats on surviving your wedding, et. al.

My first car was a clunker, but I've been fortunate to have fairly reliable/semi-nice wheels ever since. Kept my last car for more than 8 years, but it got to be time to swallow hard and take on a car payment again. You drive yours so little, have you considered ditching it entirely and going with public transit? Is that possible where you are? I wish I could do that, or go back to bicycle commuting.

Either way, your repairs are much cheaper than a new car.

Glitzy said...

Sorry to hear that TB :(

thephoenixnyc said...

Ugh, been there done that. Sorry kid. No fun. It seems like a rule of life, just when you start to get ahead with some money SOMETHING will happen to suck it right out of your wallet.

Anonymous said...

Well written article.