Monday, February 19, 2007


Last week Anonymous Coworker posted that he got to go sledding during his lunch break. Lucky!

So before all the snow melts, I wanted to post some of my own sledding pics. We went to Colorado over Christmas to visit TBH's family. We were fortunate enough to be able to drive up just after Denver's first blizzard, and leave two days before the second one blew in. We took these pics on Christmas Eve, on a hill just a few blocks from his sister's home.

This is TBH's niece - getting some pretty serious air on a jump.

This would be me - my very first sledding ride EVER (I was a deprived child growing up in the deep south where we had neither snow nor hills). So I was a little excited.

This would be my wonderful husband at the bottom of the run. Wrooooo!


Glitzy said...

Woo hoo!
Snow is fun as long as you don't have to deal with it or drive in it :)

B said...

hey! thanks for stopping by...glad you like the blog.

btw: cool picture editing! if i wasn't against effort, i'd go sledding too!

coolcat said...

ooohh... looks like fun! I'm somewhere near the equator. No snow. Just sun and more sun.

Never been on a sled before. I'm envious! :)

Lauren said...

Glitzy - I agree, the snow is fabulous as long as you don't have to drive in it!

Cool - I'm glad I'm not the only adult who had/has never been sledding! There are tons of folks in the US so jealous of your sun and more sun this past month!

Brie - We photoshopped out the neighborhood at the top of the hill, and added some color to the overcast sky. :)

Anonymous said...

It's good to see you're back.

Sarah said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by my way, as well! Great pics! My kids *WISH* we would go sledding (well, the 4 year old does)... Sadly, we haven't gone yet and (yahoo!) the snow is melting this week.

Amy said...

I wish we'd had snow. But only on a Saturday or Sunday. I'm actually not a fan of snow days here...we have to make them up.

But sledding is fun. I miss snow.