Sunday, November 7, 2004

Went to church where my parents were married

Mike and I went to a new church today. I got a bit emotional b/c it was the church where my parents were married 36 years ago. I'd never been there before - it is a beautiful place - I love the blue stained glass and hardwood floors. It got me to thinking about my parents, and how rare it is these days for a marriage to last that long. Also started wondering when I'll be walking down the isle. Hopefully in the next year or so Mike and I will be making plans. It's exciting really. Plenty more on that later. But back to this new church - I enjoyed the sermon (when I wasn't day dreaming of past and future weddings) - the pastor was talking about what we need to do to be saint-like. He recounted a mother's words "it is better to be kind than to be right" which struck a cord with me. I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist in certain very non-critical areas. For example, I have a thing for the dishes being arranged a certain way in the dish washer and have been known to rearrange them before running the thing. How ridiculous?! So it was a nice reminder to not get crazy about having things done a certain way, let's just be good to each other. Ahhh.

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