Thursday, December 2, 2004

Ohhh, my neeeck

I took the morning off work to get my nails done and go to two dr's appts (got two cavities filled - painless, and had my annual gyn exam, um, as painless as possible?). I was headed back to work around 1pm and while waiting at a red light at 4th and Quaker, heard a crash, and looked up to see a green truck literally flying through the air. I am not kidding, I was looking at the bottom of the bitch, completely slow motion matrix style. This is what I saw:

I was scared to death. I was locked in at a red light and couldn't move even if I'd had time. I was pretty sure that it was going to land right on top of me. Luckily for me, unluckily for the girl in the white grand prix in front of me, it landed on her car. Either the truck's tires or her noggin shattered the windshield and she was covered in glass. Her car was totaled and she went to the emergency room. The flying truck bounced/slid/plowed into my front bumper/fender, and landed on it's side about 12 inches from my door. There is a rubber stripe from his tire running the length of my front panel. Holy shit. It took the cops and paramedics about half an hour to get the driver out of the flipped truck. 3 of the 6 drivers involved went to the hospital. One lady even had a 2-year old with her. I was very fortunate to be located in the melee where I was. If I'd been traveling just a tad faster I'd be in a hospital gown right now. Well, at least I managed to get out of work for the day.

Sadly, this is the best pic of the aftermath that our local news could come up with. I promise, it really doesn't do it justice.


Michael said...

man you should really be more careful when u drive :P

Lauren said...

We all know what they say about "women drivers" ... and normally I would fall into that category, but really, this one wasn't my fault!! :)

Collin said...

Yikes! So how was the adrenaline rush?

Lauren said...

Enough to start boo hoo-ing like a little baby when I had to call my boss and tell him I would be late. I'm sure he had no idea what I was talking about. How embarrassing - this from a grown adult?!